Watching The Simpsons is one of the ways I relax. It’s my absolute stress buster. I love everything about the show and always watch out for Bart Simpsons’ Chalkboard writing gag. it’s an absolute gold mine of wisdom that only a Simpson fan can relate with.
I particularly like this one that says ” A person is a person no matter how Ralph” and I totally agree.
You see Ralph is a character in the Simpsons who suffers with a level of learning and social disability. He has challenges understanding social and language nuances, does not understand the concept of danger. He basically presents with autism traits but I loved that he was included in the show as all voices matter irrespective of ability. Fact is no one person is perfect, we all just evolve into a social construct. Some take longer than others, while some not at all but perfect on their own terms.
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect no matter their age, gender, ethnicity or ability. Not just at home but also at the work place and at all levels of interaction. We all deserve R. E. S. P. E. C. T. and this involves inclusion, acceptance, right to fair treatment and representation in all levels of governance , social interactions, work and in matters that affects our collective good for our collective good.
As a person living with disability and also parent to a child with autism I know what it means to experience discrimination on both levels but I remain undeterred rather determined to make my voice heard on issues around mental health, disability and matters that affect me directly or indirectly with a view to creating an environment where all lives matter and voices too. We all deserve equal representation and treatment at the table where ever the table is and what ever the table means. Remember , we are all uniquely able!
To reiterate the Bart dude himself, “a person is a person no matter how Ralph” this is a note we can all keep close to heart when we interact with people who presents as different from us.